March 12, 2009: There are going to be some bumps in the road. June 30, 2009: There are going to be bumps in the road and there are going to be times where people get impatient. November 4, 2009: We are going to keep on fulfilling our obligation to do every single thing we possibly can to pull this economy out of the ditch. April 19, 2010: You would have expected that Republican leaders would have been willing to help out … and yet, after driving our economy into the ditch, they decided to stand on the side of the road. April 20, 2010: It was as if somebody had driven their car into the ditch and then just watched you as you had to yank it out, and asked you, “Why didn’t you do it faster—and why do I have that scratch on the fender?” May 13, 2010: After they drove the car into the ditch! May 26, 2010: Here you got folks driving a car in the ditch, and then we’re out there in the mud pulling the car out of the ditch, and they’re sitting there comfortable, drinking on a Slurpee! June 29, 2010: We’re now seeing some headwinds and some skittishness and nervousness. July 8, 2010: Now, if your teenager drives into a ditch, your car, bangs it up, you’ve got to pay a lot of money to get it out—what do you do? You take the keys away. These folks drove the economy into a ditch, and they want the keys back! July 8, 2010: And my answer is, no, you can’t have the keys! We’re just getting the car out of the ditch. August 2, 2010: I mean, think about it, these are the folks who were behind the steering wheel and drove the car into the ditch. So we’ve had to put on our galoshes, we went down there in the mud. August 4, 2010: … And we’ve been shoving that car out of the ditch inch by inch. August 5, 2010: So after all our huffing and puffing, we finally get the car out of the ditch, finally back on blacktop, on level ground. We’ve got mud on our shoes … Our back is sore from pushing that car out of the ditch. August 8, 2010: I don’t know whether they were on their BlackBerry while they were driving, or they were doing something else irresponsible. August 17, 2010: You notice, when you want to move forward in your car, what do you do? You put your car in D. When you want to go backwards, you put it in R—back into the ditch. September 8, 2010: Do we return to the same failed policies that ran our economy into a ditch, or do we keep moving forward with policies that are slowly pulling us out? September 16, 2010: Despite some strong economic headwinds this year, we’ve already seen some progress. September 20, 2010: And we’re shoving to get the car out of the ditch … And as soon as they get into power … they will drive it right back into the ditch. September 22, 2010: … down into the ditch. September 28, 2010: We all went down into the ditch. October 1, 2010: … and they drove it into the ditch. October 7, 2010: … we have gotten down into the ditch, put on our boots. October 17, 2010: And it was a pretty deep ditch. October 22, 2010: It was a really deep ditch. October 23, 2010: I know that Al Franken talked to you a little bit about the analogy of a car being driven into the ditch—although I guess Al embellished it a little bit. He said there were alligators down there. I didn’t see the alligators. But it is true the car went into the ditch. November 20, 2010: We are, I think, digging out of a hole of debt and de-leveraging and the severe fall in our housing market. And all those things create strong headwinds. March 29, 2011: We passed health-care reform, and it is going to make life better for millions of Americans. We pulled this economy out of the ditch. May 6, 2011: We’ve made this progress at a time when our economy has been facing some serious headwinds. June 3, 2011: And there are still some headwinds that are coming at us. June 3, 2011: There are always going to be bumps on the road to recovery. We’re going to pass through some rough terrain that even a Wrangler would have a hard time with. June 4, 2011: We’re facing some tough headwinds … That will happen from time to time. There will be bumps on the road to recovery. June 7, 2011: Obviously we’re experiencing some headwinds. June 13, 2011: Some headwinds that all of us are aware of.