Holmes And Watson - Vulture
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Holmes And Watson

  1. the razzies
    John C. Reilly Deserved Better Than a RazzieThis should have been the happiest professional year of Reilly’s life.
  2. movie review
    Holmes & Watson Doesn’t Make It Easy, But There’s Fun to Be HadThe movie’s climactic musical number is positively award-worthy. It alone is worth enduring the opening slog.
  3. yikes
    My Dear Holmes & Watson, You Have a Zero Percent Rotten Tomatoes ScoreDon’t hit the opium den in disappointment.
  4. trailer mix
    Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly Are Holmes and Watson in New TrailerThe film that dares to ask: What if Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson were actually dumb as hell?
  5. profile
    John C. Reilly Is Everybody’s Better HalfHe says he works best in duos, and he’s in three this fall: Stan & Ollie, Holmes and Watson, and The Sisters Brothers.
  6. Lauren Lapkus Joins Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly’s ‘Holmes & Watson’ […]Back in August it was announced that Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly were teaming up for a Sherlock Holmes movie called Holmes & Watson, and […]
  7. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly to Reteam for ‘Holmes & Watson’Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly have a new buddy comedy in the works. According to Deadline, Ferrell and Reilly have signed on to star in […]