Over the past month, all-star New York Giant tight end Jeremy Shockey and wily Panamanian ex-prizefighter Roberto Duran have been discussing Duran’s plans to build a casino and resort in Duran’s native Panama. Duran’s former manager and business partner, Luis Decubas, says the friendship started through Philadelphia Eagle Jack Brewer, who is pals with Shockey from his 2004 time with the Giants. Shockey and Duran went to Panama recently, Decubas says, and though he insists the Giant is not going to be an investor, he says Duran and Shockey have become good friends (which Decubas hopes will bring buzz to Duran’s casino). Shockey was getting along so well with the party-hearty Duran (who barely speaks English) that he took a pre-spring-training-camp detour to Panama—and no one seems to know if the vacation has ended. A Giants spokesman is in e-mail contact with Shockey, but didn’t know where he was. His agent, Drew Rosenhaus, declined to comment, saying that he hasn’t heard from his client recently. Next: Kissinger Plants One on Weld