Ever wonder how a blog is made? Nick Denton, who owns the Gawker Media blogging company, has rented a storefront on Crosby Street for his new headquarters. It’s down the block from his loft, and it opens next week. As is his habit, Denton refuses to comment on the record, but this much is known: A plate-glass window will let passersby view the bloggers a-blogging, there won’t be cubicles, there will be sofas, and the walls will be green. How many bloggers actually show up to be watched is more difficult to predict, since the last office Denton rented, in a shared space called Meet-Up, was deemed by his staff too redolent of the expired hipness of the dot-com era to use (there was an on-premises Razor scooter). Denton’s fantasy seems to be a sort of ersatz nineteenth-century newsroom, where readers can gossip in person instead of merely e-mailing from their Gmail accounts. Bloggers will not double as baristas, since coffee won’t be sold. Next: Dubai Already Took Over NYC