After three exceedingly buzzed-about years working together on their James boutique-hotel concept, the style-merchant alliance of Equinox founder Danny Errico and restaurateur Steve Hanson (Ruby Foo’s, Blue Water Grill, et al.) is over. There seemed to be a metabolic conflict. Hanson says, “It takes too long to open hotels—one every four years. That’s way too slow for me—I’m an ADD guy.’’ Says Errico, “You know Steve—he wants to grow, grow, grow. I want to focus and get great locations and not grow as fast.’’ The pair unloaded the first James, in Scottsdale, to the Morgans Hotel Group for $47.5 million, and now Errico has bought out Hanson. A James has opened in Chicago, with L.A., midtown, and Miami up next. And Hanson’s salving his ADD by opening a Dos Caminos on 50th and Third. Next: A Week of Stunts in New York City