PR big turned documentarian Dan Klores held a “shrinks only” screening of his new film, Crazy Love, hoping that the experts could shed some light on the doc’s subjects, Burt and Linda Pugach. The Pugachs earned tabloid immortality when Burt had Linda blinded with lye; after Burt served fourteen years in prison, they were married. So, what’s the diagnosis? Dr. Steven Fayer, a psychiatrist at Mount Sinai Medical Center, offered that Burt “may well have had what we call a bipolar type-II disorder with what we call personality disturbance as well” and that Linda has a “narcissistic personality disorder with some borderline features, an inadequate personality.” And Dr. Michael Aronoff, an NYU psychiatry professor, said, “Why these people joined together in what looks like a very pathological situation is a very complex picture, and just watching the movie is not going to explain that.” Klores agrees. “I’m hoping that Crazy Love becomes a great movie to take a date to. Because people will argue all night.”
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