Just because Mitt Romney derided the Democratic YouTube debate, saying it lacked “respectfulness,” before ducking out of the GOP version, don’t think Rudy Giuliani feels the same way. Two weeks ago, Giuliani announced that he wouldn’t be able to make the September 17 Republican YouTube candidates’ forum. But he swears it’s not because he’s also afraid of being insulted. “It reminds me of New York City town-hall meetings,” he said in the Hamptons on July 28. “People would ask you any question. Some would be very funny, some would be off the wall, some would be serious. So I’m used to it.” So don’t group him with scaredy-Romney. “He likes the idea,” insists Giuliani’s spokeswoman, who reiterated that he’d demurred because he was booked elswhere that day. CNN is considering moving the debate to accommodate the candidates. “We’re still working with the campaigns to resolve any scheduling issues,” said David Bohrman, CNN Washington bureau chief. As for Romney, though, his spokesperson said, “The governor did believe … that a question from a snowman caricature was probably not befitting a debate between presidential candidates.”
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