It’s No Fun I.D.-ing Illegal Aliens

Photo: Chance Yeh/Patrick McMullan

While many Democrats have run from Eliot Spitzer’s illegal-alien driver’s-license proposal, and Republicans are making hay with it, this week, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is planning to “step up to the plate” and “do the right thing” by offering support for the plan, says a source close to the A.G. “Andrew believes it’s important for the governor to count on the attorney general to legally defend whatever policy decisions he makes,” the source says. Spitzer’s people are underwhelmed: It’s the attorney general’s job to support the governor’s policy. “It’s crap,” says one Spitzerite, wary of Cuomo’s political peace offering. “If the DMV got sued over drivers’ licenses, Cuomo would have to defend those cases. It’s inherent.” The Cuomo source couldn’t explain what he likes about the plan; the gesture was more symbolic. “Andrew could say nothing,” the source said, stressing that people think “there’s more bad blood than there is” between the two. “This is further evidence that this is not the case.”

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It’s No Fun I.D.-ing Illegal Aliens