Wanna Buy Waldman’s Rat Pack Relic?

Photo: Everett Collection

Suzyn Waldman, the Yankees radio announcer, recently discovered Sammy Davis Jr.’s marriage license in a drawer in her house. Signed by witnesses Frank Sinatra and Peter Lawford and printed on letterhead from Temple Israel of Hollywood, it’s paperwork for the candy man’s 1960 wedding to May Britt, a Swedish actress. (Davis converted to Judaism in 1954.) The find wasn’t a total surprise; it was given to Waldman in 1978 by her then-husband, whose parents were Temple Israel members. “I did a lot of nightclubs back then”—Waldman was a singer and actress before she was a sportscaster—“and I thought it was pretty fascinating.” She’d since forgotten about it, and now she’s auctioning it online at SteinerMarketplace.com. “I’d rather have a Rat Pack collector enjoy it,” she says. “It’s better than me just taking it out of my drawer once a month.” But maybe no one wants it: After three weeks, there are no bids. “If it doesn’t sell,” she says, “I guess I’ll put it back in my desk.”

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Wanna Buy Waldman’s Rat Pack Relic?