Demon Barber of Broadway

Michael Cerveris was acclaimed in the recent Broadway revival of Sweeney Todd, but he didn’t make the cut for Tim Burton’s film version. At the film’s premiere, Cerveris admitted that he “would have loved to play a nonspeaking guy who gets his throat cut, just for the karma.” But Burton never called. “I thought it would have seemed a little needy for me to invade the set without being asked,” Cerveris said. His Cymbeline co-star, Martha Plimpton, butted in to say that Burton had called her. “Which is really bizarre because I’ve had nothing to do with it, ever. He called me, he e-mailed me, he texted me at all hours of the night. ‘What should I do? I’m so nervous! More blood, less blood?’ ” Her advice? “You can never have enough blood.”

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Demon Barber of Broadway