The Chugalugability of Hope

New York’s Democrats have several celebratory options for watching Barack Obama’s acceptance speech Thursday night. Drinking Liberally’s viewing party at the Tank will feature a drinking game tied to the speeches. “When they say a certain word, you sip or you chug,” says founder Justin Krebs. “Like hope for Obama. And there will be references too. If he implicitly compares himself to Martin Luther King, sip; chug if he does so explicitly.” Act Now will hold a party–cum–singles event at the Irish Rogue. “Young professionals, middle-aged homosexuals, and politically active elderly people—it’ll be quite a party,” says board member John Raskin. And Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century’s event at O’Lunney’s Pub will be “geared toward people who want to have drinks and watch the speeches and discuss,” according to chair Elizabeth Caputo. She’s expecting that “some of the competitive contenders for the State Assembly and the State Senate” will come by.

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The Chugalugability of Hope