Back and Forth

At the Academy of American Poets benefit, Diana Scholl engaged in some wordplay with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rose Styron, Roy Blount Jr., Steve Reich, and Chip Kidd.

What rhymes with Obama?
ROSE: You certainly don’t want Osama. Big comma.
ROY: Mama.
STEVE: Yo mama.
ROY: My mama. I don’t know yo mama.
ROSE: Panorama. Pajama.

Why don’t we play a game where everyone thinks of a line and has to rhyme with the next person?
MAGGIE: God, no.
CHIP: If we were really loaded and it was three in the morning, yeah.
MAGGIE: And they weren’t going to print it in New York Magazine.
ROY: What rhymes with economy? Gastronomy.
STEVE: Deuteronomy.
MAGGIE: Lobotomy? Not quite. Autonomy!

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Back and Forth