At the Academy of American Poets benefit, Diana Scholl engaged in some wordplay with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rose Styron, Roy Blount Jr., Steve Reich, and Chip Kidd.
What rhymes with Obama?
ROSE: You certainly don’t want Osama. Big comma.
ROY: Mama.
STEVE: Yo mama.
ROY: My mama. I don’t know yo mama.
ROSE: Panorama. Pajama.
Why don’t we play a game where everyone thinks of a line and has to rhyme with the next person?
MAGGIE: God, no.
CHIP: If we were really loaded and it was three in the morning, yeah.
MAGGIE: And they weren’t going to print it in New York Magazine.
ROY: What rhymes with economy? Gastronomy.
STEVE: Deuteronomy.
MAGGIE: Lobotomy? Not quite. Autonomy!
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