Love Actually - Vulture
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Love Actually

  1. vulture lists
    The 50 Best Christmas Movies of All TimeEstablished classics, new favorites, and even some horror.
  2. celebrity relations
    Thomas Brodie-Sangster Found Love, Actually With Talulah RileyNaturally, Brodie-Sangster announced news of their engagement with a Hugh Grant quote.
  3. love fr
    Love Actually Is So White It’s ‘Stupid’But 20 years isn’t too late for Richard Curtis to right those wrongs.
  4. in conversation
    Laura Linney Resists InterpretationThe actress lives for the stage, loves film crews, and treasures her co-stars. Just don’t ask her about the ending of Ozark.
  5. chat room
    Rom-Com Legend Richard Curtis on Why He Walked Away from Directing“I don’t want to be rude about the director Richard Curtis. He tried very hard.”
  6. last night on late night
    16 Years Later, Laura Linney Still Isn’t Over Her Love Actually Make Out Scene“People feel sorry for me, but they shouldn’t.”
  7. Love Actually Can Very Easily Be Turned Into a Horror MovieYou can’t unsee it.
  8. roll clip!
    The Gang’s All Back Together in Love Actually’s Movie ReunionHugh dancing! Colin wearing a turtleneck! Laura finally getting a hot man!
  9. Red Nose Day Actually Trailer: Andrew Lincoln’s Cue Card Has a Question“Do you like the beard?”
  10. phobia watch
    Filming Love Actually Forced Billy Bob Thornton to Confront Some of His PhobiasMaybe it was good for him?
  11. chat room
    Bill Nighy on Aging Actors, Their Finest, and the Love Actually Sequel“There’s a dangerous period around your late 30s, early 40s, where on a good day you look 36 and on a bad day you look 49.”
  12. foresight is 20/20
    The Fate of a Character Missing From the Love Actually Sequel Isn’t So CharmingImprobably good luck can’t last.
  13. roll clip!
    Watch Hugh Grant Re-create His Love Actually Dance Sequence With DrakeHe’s still prime minister!
  14. trailer mix
    Those Damn Cue Cards Return With a Vengeance in the Love Actually Sequel TeaserBut…where’s…Keira…Knightley…?
  15. first looks
    Get a First Look at Hugh Grant in Red Nose ActuallyThe short film airs May 24.
  16. necessary sequels
    What You Won’t Be Seeing in the Love Actually Sequel“Dealing with Alan is very complicated.”
  17. squee!
    A Love Actually Short Film Reunion Is Coming Our Way[Extended Pointer Sisters dance sequence in celebration.]
  18. vulture lists
    Great Holiday-Movie Alternatives That You Can Stream’Tis the season to binge-watch.
  19. party chat
    Hugh Grant Defends Love Actually’s Rom-Com MeritsHe thinks Richard Curtis “did write it from the heart.”
  20. cut for time
    Saturday Night Live Does Love Actually in This Cut SketchAmerica loves Pete Davidson.
  21. debates
    And the Love Actually Debate Rages On: Is It a Classic or Terrible?Writers continue to argue about whether it is a classic, crap, or a bad classic.
  22. remember 2003?
    Hated It, Actually: What Critics Thought of Love Actually in 2003“After all, why would anyone watching this movie bother going to the concession stand for sweets?”
  23. anniversaries
    Vulture Asks: Where Do You Rank Love Actually in the Rom-com Canon?Better than How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days but not as good as You’ve Got Mail?
  24. chat room
    Rom-Com King Richard Curtis Is a ‘Fool for Love’“I first fell in love when I was 4. And then when I was 7. And then with Julie Andrews.”