The Handmaid’s Tale Recap: The Dirty CompromiseHow much personal freedom are you willing to sacrifice in exchange for physical proximity to your child? For June and Serena, pretty much all of it.
The Handmaid’s Tale Recap: Halo EffectJune fought like hell to get to Canada, but now that she’s there, she may have to sacrifice her most vital relationships in order to enact revenge.
The Continued Cost of June’s SurvivalThe Handmaid’s Tale has turned its protagonist into a bulletproof dream heroine leaving a growing pile of collateral damage in her wake.
The Handmaid’s Tale Gets Its Mojo BackAfter two seasons stuck in a hamster wheel of ugly conflict, the series finally delivers some much-needed forward movement and emotional payoff.
The Handmaid’s Tale Recap: Que Sera SeraWhat does it mean if our heroine has expanded her hatred and vengeance to include even those who don’t stand directly against her?