The Ratings Game - Vulture
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The Ratings Game

  1. The Big Bang Theory’s Creator Trolled Trump Over Apprentice Ratings Last Night“Defeat terrorism and crazy dictators? He couldn’t even defeat Two and a Half Men.”
  2. Rediscovering Danny DeVito’s Long-Lost Directorial Debut If I had a dollar for every article I’ve tried to write about a piece of comedy that is lost forever due to time, or the constraints of live […]
  3. the ratings game
    The Wealthy Love Modern Family, Other TV TriviaVulture dove deep into 2015’s Nielsen data, focusing on the quirkier side of the numbers.
  4. the ratings game
    Confessions of a Nielsen JunkieABC, CBS, and NBC were my teams; their dozens of shows my players; the Nielsen chart the playing field.
  5. the ratings game
    Why Your Favorite Poorly Rated Show Will Live to Fight Another DayTheir numbers may be low, but there’s more than one way to earn your keep.
  6. the ratings game
    How a TV Show Finds an Audience, in 4 ChartsLet us count the ways.
  7. the ratings game
    The Most Popular U.S. TV Shows in 18 Countries Around the WorldDrop Dead Diva is big in Romania.
  8. the ratings game
    Kurt Sutter, Adam Pally, and More Share Their TV-Ratings Anxiety“The mere process of writing about the topic of ratings has made my stomach turn.”
  9. the ratings game
    How Hollywood Gossips About Netflix’s Hidden RatingsHollywood insiders are spending more time than they’d care to admit trying to uncover the numbers Netflix seems determined to keep hidden.
  10. the ratings game
    We Were a Nielsen Family — Here’s What It Was LikeIn 2006, Nielsen let an unemployed me represent roughly one percent of all TV homes in L.A., and half of one percent nationally.
  11. the ratings game
    Why the New Era of TV Ratings Means More of Your Favorite Shows Might SurviveMust-See TV has given way to I’ll-Watch-When-I-Want-To TV.
  12. the ratings game
    What It’s Like to Live and Die by TV RatingsNielsen ratings! The numbers go out, and then almost all creative decisions about network television in America are made based on them.