The Sound Of Money - Vulture
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The Sound Of Money

  1. the sound of money
    How Pop Stars Make Money NowFrom tour sponsorship to singing-competition coaching.
  2. the sound of money
    Why the Vinyl Boom Is Actually a DroughtWith vinyl sales at the highest in decades, skeptics say there’s nowhere to go but down. Maybe then pressing plants will actually be able to meet demand.
  3. the sound of money
    The Golden Age: 16 Very Expensive Highlights From Music-Business Memoirs“It was considered great sport to take one of the framed gold records … lay it on the grand piano, spread a gram or so on the glass, and spin it until the coke arrayed itself in a giant spiral.”
  4. the sound of money
    Timeline: 180 Years of the Music Industry’s Partnerships, Sales, and Sell-offsBefore it became the consolidated behemoth it is today, the business was a tangled web.
  5. the sound of money
    Can This Start-up With Cellos Shake Up Classical Music’s Business-As-Usual?National Sawdust’s wild ambitions — artistic and financial.
  6. the sound of money
    Why Major Music Labels Still MatterDespite the trend toward DIY and digital releases, old-guard record labels still have some advantages that their newer counterparts don’t. 
  7. vulture on set
    Behind the Scenes of Empire’s Second SeasonThe creators are facing a problem the Lyon family knows all too well: How do you follow a hit?