- December 10, 2007 |
- The Mechanics
It looks so simple. Gwen Widell and Jill Gurhan, design and technical vice-presidents respectively at Wacoal, describe the engineering necessary for a bra to do its thing
- December 3, 2007 | Short Lists
- Second Time’s the Charm
If you missed these bright lights of the classical scene�a young dynamo and an established leader�in their recent high-profile city appearances, catch them this week.
- November 19, 2007 | Short Lists
- Getting to Know You
A concert dedicated to one composer�especially one who’s not as familiar as Beethoven or Brahms� can paint a much richer picture of his music than a single symphony would.
- November 12, 2007 | Feature
- Show and Tell: �Opus Jazz’
New York City Ballet soloists Ellen Bar and Sean Suozzi set out to create a film updating Opus Jazz to 21st-century New York.
- November 12, 2007 | Short List
- They Talk, Too?
Choreographers step out of the studio to discuss their work.
- November 5, 2007 | Short Lists
- Berlin Meets West 57th
Recommended fare from Carnegie Hall’s celebration of Europe’s white-hot cultural capital.
- October 29, 2007 | Short Lists
- Strings Attached
Masters of bowing and plucking take center stage this week.
- October 22, 2007 | Feature
- Speech Therapists: Jefferson Mays and Boyd Gaines
Ah, the joys of starring alongside Claire Danes in her Broadway debut. It certainly helps with ticket sales. But then there is the issue of being semi-eclipsed, even when you’re Jefferson Mays and Boyd Gaines.
- October 22, 2007 | Short Lists
- Bring in the New
Accessible concerts that offer entrée to the contemporary canon.
- October 19, 2007 |
- How to Serve a Signature Cocktail
Five helpful tips on serving a customized cocktail.