Will Leitch -- New York Magazine

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Will Leitch

October 5, 2009 |
The Markup on Manning

The Giants quarterback’s new contract, said to be the richest in NFL history, may really be a bargain.

August 31, 2009 |
Chevy Chase Has a Few Words for Joel McHale

NBC’s new sitcom Community is about a group of oddballs attending a community college.

August 31, 2009 |
The Jets’ New Pilot

Rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez is charismatic, talented, and good-looking. But his greatest aspiration should be to remind fans of a boring guy from Baltimore named �Dilfer.�

August 24, 2009 | Feature
Quentin Tarantino’s Girl Power

Despite his video-geek frat-guy bravado, Tarantino’s films are as much about female empowerment as the macho shenanigans of tough guys. Honest.

August 10, 2009 | Feature
District Supervisor: Neill Blomkamp

If you’ve seen the trailers for District 9, you understand why it’s this year’s top candidate for sci-fi-fan orgy sleeper-hit status.

August 10, 2009 | Games
Beane Town

Billy Beane, the Moneyball guru, has nowhere to go with the Oakland A’s. Hmmm � Who needs a general manager?

June 1, 2009 | Intelligencer
For the Fans

The no-nonsense sports nut Jeff Gruden replaced Tony Kornheiser in ESPN’s 'Monday Night Football.'

June 8, 2009 | Games
One for the Thumb

Derek Jeter has four World Series rings. Now that the Yankees are finally playing at their pay grade, could this be the year he gets his fifth?

May 18, 2009 | Encounter
330 Minutes With Selena Roberts

The sportswriter is not out to ruin A-Rod’s life. She just wanted to write about it.

May 4, 2009 | Topic
The Plague of Homers

There have been 26 home runs in the new Yankee Stadium’s first six games, a record for a new stadium.