- May 23, 2005 | Art Review
- Neo Rauch: Renegaten
Neo Rauch has made old-school Socialist Realism accessible, and even palatable, to Western curators and collectors.
- May 2, 2005 | Feature
- Artist: Richard Prince
There’s a guy on the street who paints copies of my �Nurse� paintings. I think it’s funny. I actually bought one; I thought it was pretty close.
- April 4, 2005 | Feature
- Show and Tell: Elmgreen & Dragset
Clamber down the basement steps of the Bohen Foundation, on West 13th Street, and you’ll be descending into End Station, a site-specific project by a pair of artists known as Elmgreen & Dragset.
- April 4, 2005 | Art Review
- Robert Gober
Robert Gober's first New York gallery show in eleven years is a heavily mannered, personal, and at times puzzling attempt to process a global event.
- March 7, 2005 | Feature
- Artists on the Verge of a Breakthrough
The ten most likely to succeed from the �Greater New York�show.
- February 28, 2005 | Feature
- Austen Overload
Reading a great writer, without sense or sensibility.
- February 14, 2005 | Feature
- Show and Tell: Tim Hawkinson
Tim Hawkinson’s survey at the Whitney is full of buzzing contraptions, assembled with the kind of creative electrical engineering familiar to residents of college dorms and unrenovated brownstones.
- January 17, 2005 | Feature
- Show and Tell: Peter Hujar
In the late seventies and early eighties, Peter Hujar roamed the no-man’s-lands of downtown New York after-hours and turned his camera on fellow nightcrawlers.
- December 20, 2004 | Intelligencer
- Intelligencer: December 13�27, 2004
Bernie Kerik’s brilliant career path, Martha Stewart’s big book deal, art hipsters in �Democracy Plaza,� O.J.: The Musical, and more.
- December 20, 2004 | It Happened This Year: A Guide to 2004
- Rothko Trumped Renoir.
Young collectors turned up their noses at Impressionists�and opened their wallets for modernists.