Top Women Lawyers - Families Of The Missing

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Families Of The Missing

No One Disappears Alone

In the 1970s our President, Jane Durgom-Powers, became involved with the issue of missing persons from armed conflicts and their families. She worked with military families for over 32 years on a pro bono basis, and changed US standards and laws expanding the rights of missing combatants’ families.

She founded her own global organization to empower families of missing persons under ALL circumstances. As an advocate for these families, we provide a support network in their efforts to: determine the fates of their missing loved ones, address the humanitarian and legal needs of the family unit impacted by the loss of the missing person, introduce reforms that address missing individuals from a family perspective, heighten public awareness, and assist in resolving cases.

Jane Durgom-Powers served as General Counsel and Assistant General Counsel for three Fortune 500 companies; CEO of two international corporations; and one of the first women Assistant District Attorneys in Manhattan. She has served as an adviser to several US Congressional Committees, UN Commissions and Working Groups, and governments.

�Justice is truth in action. Justice is about harmony. Justice is an acknowledgment of what is right. If there is no right, there is no justice. Without justice, there is no peace.� �Jane Durgom-Powers, Founder

Families of The Missing
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Families of the Missing formerly named IFFAMPAC
