Emma Rosenblum Archive -- New York Magazine

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Emma Rosenblum

May 19, 2008 | The Look Book
Suzanne Golden, Bead Artist

"I know I look a little different, and to be honest, it’s nice to be noticed."

May 5, 2008
Find Your French Boyfriend ...

The city has never been more packed with euro-wielding hotties. Make the onslaught work for you.

May 2, 2008 |
Everybody Does Go-Sees

Not everybody makes it. Forty runway candidates audition for casting agent James Scully on a Wednesday in January.

April 21, 2008 | Feature
Weight Watchers: Reality Diet Shows

Bathing-suit season is fast approaching, so what’s a couch potato to do? Watch more TV, of course! Three network shows address America’s obesity problem with drastically different takes on weight.

April 14, 2008 | Feature
Come Here Often?

The Place: Weather Up, a casually trendy, slightly claustrophobic, $11-cocktail lounge in Prospect Heights. The Time: Saturday night, 9:42. The Mission: Chat up every person in the bar.

February 25, 2008 | Feature
Put Me In, Coach!

Gaius Charles is in an unfamiliar position�benchwarmer.

February 11, 2008 | Feature
Does Candace Bushnell’s �Jungle’ Score With Real Power Women?

Lipstick Jungle is Candace Bushnell’s new take on the plight of powerful Manhattan career gals.

February 18, 2008 | Intelligencer
The Third Manning

How can Cooper Manning be so well-adjusted and non-self-loathing when both his younger brothers are Super Bowl MVPs?

December 17, 2007 | Intelligencer
Divorce, Park Avenue Style

The girls are all right in the latest bunch of society breakups.

December 10, 2007 | Best Bets
Check Writing

Not every goodwill dollar gets spent the way you think it does. Laurie Styron, an analyst for the watchdog group the American Institute of Philanthropy talks about how to give to groups that will do the most with your money.