- June 19, 2000 | Feature
- Glass Houses
Developer Richard Born goes fishing on the Hudson water-front -- and lands the big one.
- June 5, 2000 | Feature
- Show Girls
A female producing team scores 24 Tony nominations. Curtain call to follow.
- May 29, 2000 | Feature
- Television: Pants, Unzipped
David Letterman's Worldwide Pants produces more TV than Bochco and Kelley combined -- so why does Rob Burnett still have to beg?
- May 15, 2000 | Feature
- Media: Nets Snub NARAL
- May 8, 2000 | Feature
- Media:
Toupéed Tightwad Tycoon Tells All!
- May 1, 2000 | Feature
- Schools: Ed Poet Society
Once-and-future chancellor Harold Levy has a way with words.
- April 28, 2000 | Profile
- Toupéed Tightwad Tycoon Tells All!
It's just not fair, really-friday, you're about to board a French Riviera flight with your much-younger girlfriend
- April 24, 2000 | Feature
- Affirmative Inaction
Diversity has long been the NYPD's biggest problem. Why have other cities had it easier?
- April 17, 2000 | Feature
- Unmade Man
Chris Paciello owned two of Miami's hottest clubs and hung out with Ingrid Casares, Jennifer Lopez, and Madonna. A murder charge scattered his A-list pals -- but his gangster vibe is part of what drew them in the first place.
- April 10, 2000 | Feature
- Film: Big Nothing
Who needs movies about people who accomplish things? Stanley Tucci, cinematic champion of the underachiever, thinks less is more.