- May 2, 2011 |
- What’s Left of the Left
Paul Krugman’s lonely crusade.
- January 3, 2011 | Features
- Peretz in Exile
For decades, Martin Peretz taught at Harvard and presided over The New Republic�a fierce, if controversial, lion among American intellectuals and Zionists. Now, having been labeled a bigot, taunted at his alma mater, and stripped of his magazine, he has found peace in a place where there is little: Israel.
- November 8, 2010 |
- Diplomat Gone Rogue
Peter Galbraith built a career in statecraft, pursuing a humanitarian foreign policy despite a very immodest temperament. But when the U.N. fired him for insubordination in Afghanistan, he suddenly had a reputation to defend�and nothing left to lose.
- June 14, 2010 | Intelligencer
- Peace Talk
After the Gaza-flotilla debacle, where does the conversation about Israel go now?