- February 5, 2001
- Cycle Analysis
They lack the sizzle of sexier stocks, and they tend to hibernate for years at a time, but cyclicals are about to become your new best friends.
- January 1, 2001
- The New New Me
After two decades of high-octane, high-stress, high-stakes hedge-fund trading, the author's taking the biggest risk of all -- he's quitting.
- December 18, 2000
- Mutual Subtraction
You played this year's frenetic market safely and conservatively -- plenty of cash and a few good mutual funds. So why are you still feeling so queasy?
- November 27, 2000
- Tech It or Leave It
Did you really think tech stocks were the new blue chips, perfect gems you could buy and hold? Wake up -- they're ordinary cyclicals, the kind you buy and unload!
- November 6, 2000
- Bottom's Up
Every October, as predictable as the seasons, the market takes a precipitous turn for the worse. But if you know it's coming, why not profit from the rebound?
- October 23, 2000
- Soldier of Fortune
This market will get worse before it gets better, and the smart thing to do is just sit it out. But if you can't, there is one way to make it work for you.
- October 9, 2000
- Good-bye, Mr. Chips
When other tech stocks broke and ran this year, plucky Intel held firm and kept the dream of another tech rally alive. But now even die-hard true believers are asking: Et tu, Intel?
- September 25, 2000
- He Got Me!
One of Howard Kurtz's targets in "The Fortune Tellers," his harsh indictment of financial journalists, is a manic, overemotional wild man named Jim Cramer. No relation, of course.
- September 11, 2000
- Bull and Gore
If your passion is short-selling or bonds, by all means pull the lever for Bush and his tax cut. But if you want to work the upside, Gore's your candidate.
- August 28, 2000
- Survivor!
When the merger with Time Warner was announced, we all thought high-flying AOL was getting shafted; now it looks like the smartest move a dot-com ever made.