- February 21, 2000
- Track Record
Obsessed with "unlocking value," blue-chip companies are spinning off their digital divisions as separate stocks. But if the bull stumbles, will there be blood on the tracks?
- January 10, 2000
- Is That Your Final Offer?
The technology of the twenty-first century is bringing back the marketplace of the eighteenth. But do consumers really want to bid for their breakfast?
- December 13, 1999
- Marital Bliss
What does a $23 billion multinational like Bernard Arnault's LVMH see in a small, New York-based beauty company like Bliss Spa? The start of a beautiful relationship.
- November 1, 1999
- Store Wars
The Internet strikes back: Is it really worth logging on just to rent a movie? Kozmo.com thinks so -- and it's only one of the companies banking on Web-delivery dollars.
- September 6, 1999
- Vulture Capital
Flatiron Partners leads the new breed of venture capitalists whose avuncular style and blazing stock-market success have supplanted the old buzzards.
- May 24, 1999
- Nit-Wit
Low-rent online broker Wit Capital gives high-roller access to some of the Internet's hottest IPOs. But clicking for them is a grubber's game.
- April 12, 1999
- Chase, the Rumor
Would a Chase-Merrill merger make sense for consumers, or for the market? And does it even matter, since megabanks get to do whatever they want?
- April 5, 1999
- Hip-Hopped Up
What's that sound? Urban-music titles are raising the volume at the newsstand -- and agitating to become the "Rolling Stone" of the future.
- March 29, 1999
- I.P.Oh?
Sure, when Goldman, Sachs goes public, the firm's partners will get obscenely wealthy. But the real beauty part? They won't have to give up any control.
- March 1, 1999
- Bonds and Domination
Forget Ken Starr: The president's old nemesis the bond market has come back to haunt him -- with a big assist from Japanese investors who are bringing their money back home.