The City Politic Archive

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The City Politic Archive

August 28, 2000
Carpe Diem, or Don't

Bill Clinton and Al Gore seized their moments in L.A.; Hillary all but squandered hers. Still, what a revelation, watching it all unfold without benefit of talking heads.

August 21, 2000
The Inn Crowd

Four new name-brand hotels reveal -- for better or worse -- the influence of boutique design on the mainstream; the new show at P.S. 1 is a screen gem.

August 21, 2000
Just Say Joe

Senator Lieberman on the Gore ticket may be a gift for Hillary Clinton, but some assembly is required: She still needs to work harder at building Jewish support.

August 14, 2000
Call In Powell

Showcasing a Benetton ad's worth of moderate conservatives, Bush has embarked on a journey to the center. Will the right stay quiet for the ride?

August 7, 2000
Extra Credit

While Mrs. Clinton is pummeled for a mysterious, 26-year-old epithet, Rick Lazio has been commandeering bills of concern to Jews -- whether or not he had any input on them.

July 24, 2000
Off the Record

If a campaign unfolds in the hinterlands, does it still make noise? Sure -- though sometimes you'd be hard-pressed to tell, given the stinginess of the coverage.

July 17, 2000
Losing His Shirts

While other global brands were targeting upscale and niche markets, Tommy Hilfiger was diluting himself with saturation marketing. Can he recover his good name?

July 10, 2000
The Untouchables

At the Venice Biennale, a new wave in architecture -- digital, abstract, evanescent as a dream -- all but displaced the Renaissance forms of old.

June 26, 2000
Going by the Pols

Banking on more votes for Freddie Ferrer, the Bronx Democratic leader drops a former ally in order to back a dubious new one -- a tactic Ferrer himself wouldn't condone.

June 12, 2000
Not Enough Lip

At least with Rudy we knew the race would be about more than Hillary's address; but in their bland scrabble for the middle, Rick and Hill are tough to tell apart.