- August 28, 2000
- Carpe Diem, or Don't
Bill Clinton and Al Gore seized their moments in L.A.; Hillary all but squandered hers. Still, what a revelation, watching it all unfold without benefit of talking heads.
- August 21, 2000
- The Inn Crowd
Four new name-brand hotels reveal -- for better or worse -- the influence of boutique design on the mainstream; the new show at P.S. 1 is a screen gem.
- August 21, 2000
- Just Say Joe
Senator Lieberman on the Gore ticket may be a gift for Hillary Clinton, but some assembly is required: She still needs to work harder at building Jewish support.
- August 14, 2000
- Call In Powell
Showcasing a Benetton ad's worth of moderate conservatives, Bush has embarked on a journey to the center. Will the right stay quiet for the ride?
- August 7, 2000
- Extra Credit
While Mrs. Clinton is pummeled for a mysterious, 26-year-old epithet, Rick Lazio has been commandeering bills of concern to Jews -- whether or not he had any input on them.
- July 24, 2000
- Off the Record
If a campaign unfolds in the hinterlands, does it still make noise? Sure -- though sometimes you'd be hard-pressed to tell, given the stinginess of the coverage.
- July 17, 2000
- Losing His Shirts
While other global brands were targeting upscale and niche markets, Tommy Hilfiger was diluting himself with saturation marketing. Can he recover his good name?
- July 10, 2000
- The Untouchables
At the Venice Biennale, a new wave in architecture -- digital, abstract, evanescent as a dream -- all but displaced the Renaissance forms of old.
- June 26, 2000
- Going by the Pols
Banking on more votes for Freddie Ferrer, the Bronx Democratic leader drops a former ally in order to back a dubious new one -- a tactic Ferrer himself wouldn't condone.
- June 12, 2000
- Not Enough Lip
At least with Rudy we knew the race would be about more than Hillary's address; but in their bland scrabble for the middle, Rick and Hill are tough to tell apart.