- February 14, 2000
- The CORE Issue
Put Hillary in a room with Suha Arafat or Al Sharpton and there's a festival of finger-wagging; so why the silence when Rudy dines with Roy Innis and Jörg Haider?
- February 7, 2000
- Ad Lib
The best new TV spot is an indie director's short film -- and viewers are showing their love for it on a Website that agencies are watching very, very closely.
- January 31, 2000
- Caution, Wind, Etc.
Talk about a contrast in styles: Rudy brazenly flouts the state's Republican leadership while Hillary tiptoes everywhere. Where's her moxie?
- January 31, 2000
- Girls Interrupted
In the wake of a scathing documentary about the modeling business, Elite's John Casablancas, a legendary Lothario, is preaching reform. Talk about strange bedfellows.
- January 3, 2000
- Who Do Women Want?
Hillary thinks she has the votes of smart, educated women wrapped up -- and she may, but many are reluctant to admit it, at least until she becomes a better candidate.
- December 20, 1999
- Campaign Trail
Dark-horse dot-coms spent billions to build their brands -- but in the battle to create the year's best advertising, good old-fashioned not-coms won the day.
- December 13, 1999
- Long Shot
Refusing to dance with Mike Long could help Rudy win the middle and push Hillary farther to the left. That doesn't sound like suicide -- it sounds like a strategy.
- December 6, 1999
- Going Postal
Now that Mrs. Clinton has doused any notion that she's not running, let's pray the media will finally stop taking cues from the hysterically anti-Hillary New York "Post."
- November 15, 1999
- The Zabar's Vote
The battle for Pat Moynihan's Senate seat will ultimately focus on the 8 percent of voters, many of them liberal New York City Jews, still uncertain about Hill or Rudy.
- November 1, 1999
- Unchartered Territory
Though the typically immovable mayor backed off his effort to block Mark Green by changing the city charter, the revised proposal still makes for bad public policy.