- May 3, 2004
- Will Bill?
Bill Thompson is mild-mannered, relatively unknown, and not sure he wants to run. So how is it that the city comptroller may be the next mayor?
- April 12, 2004
- Bye, Mr. Nice Mike
The mayor came into office promising to rid City Hall of Giuliani-era political brawling. So why is he suddenly putting the screws to his opponents?
- March 8, 2004
- New Yorkers for Kerry
Local pols have been jumping on the front-runner’s bandwagon faster than you can say “double-digit lead.” So what if they once backed Dean? And Clark?
- February 16, 2004
- Cash and Kerry
The city’s wealthy Kerry backers have a message for undecided donors: Fund the front-runner—now—or lose to Bush later.
- February 2, 2004
- Outer Pain
Mayor Mike has launched a fresh political offensive (boccie, anyone?) to win back the hearts and minds of angry outer-borough voters. So why are they still so mad?
- January 12, 2004
- Cash Machine
Quietly, Eliot Spitzer has been doling out money to Dems across the state. Sure, he’s got his eye on Pataki’s job. Saving the party wouldn’t hurt, either.
- December 22, 2003
- Primary Importance
Forget Iowa and New Hampshire. Team Dean plans to use New York to stop whoever—Clark? Kerry? Edwards?—breaks out in the early primaries.
- December 8, 2003
- The Conventioneer
The Republican National Convention comes to town in just nine months. Meet Bill Harris, the Alabama conservative, Civil War buff, and dove hunter in charge.
- November 23, 2003
- E Pluribus Dems
The party has its best shot in a decade at winning City Hall and the governor’s chair—if they can get it together. But where’s chairman Denny Farrell?
- November 10, 2003
- Money Tries to Talk
Politicians come to Manhattan when it’s time to raise money, then don’t give the city its due. Bloomberg’s new Fifth Avenue rallying cry: No justice, no cash.