- April 21, 2003
- My Big Fat Question
While the war was raging elsewhere, I was stuck at CENTCOM, where I was supposed to be lobbing softball questions at generals. Naturally, I did the opposite. (Cue hate mail from Rush Limbaugh fans.)
- April 7, 2003
- 35 Years
Michael Wolff on Clay Felker's ambitions for his magazine--and himself.
- April 7, 2003
- Buying the Dream
Time Warner merging with AOL is the old story of the Titanic and that iceberg -- they're still scrambling for the lifeboats.
- April 7, 2003
- Live From Doha . . .
. . . it’s a TV-ready war update spoonfed to hundreds of journalists by the U.S. military! A report from the surreal, over-air-conditioned million-dollar briefing center in the middle of nowhere.
- March 31, 2003
- Behind the Lines
Here in New York, half a world away, the war in Iraq is having its impact, changing politics and media and mind-sets at cruise-missile speed. What will New York and America doand what will it be like to be an Americanwhen the smoke clears? An examination of the war and its aftermath.
- March 31, 2003
- Brill-iant
Media’s biggest bully ducked out of the limelight for fifteen months to write a God-is-in-the-details account of life post-9/11. By returning to writing, has Steve Brill found a new way to dominate?
- March 17, 2003
- Oh, Get Real!
Put a couple of middlebrow programming execs in a dumbed-down, all-reality-all-the-time network television environment, and does hilarity ensue? Just ask Jeff Zucker and Susan Lyne.
- March 10, 2003
- Bush Family Values
How do you cover a war that’s a rerun (complete with another surreal Dan Rather–Saddam interview)a war that’s all about a son trying to recapture his dad’s fleeting glory days?
- March 3, 2003
- Stop, Thief!
If only it were that easy. Music and film execs obsess about our evil file-sharing ways, but demonizing the public they so desperately need won’t stop the free fall in the value of content.
- February 24, 2003
- What, Us Worry? Yes, Us Worry
The impending war, the threat of terrorism, and the troubles on Wall Street, in the media business, and with the economy as a whole are creating a perfect storm of anxiety for New Yorkers. Is this a passing phase? Or (gulp) our new reality?