- February 7, 2000
- Bradley Do-Right
Bill takes the high road as Al takes the low road -- but Al may walk off with the nomination. Too bad Candidate Bradley didn't take off the gloves sooner.
- January 24, 2000
- Hasta La Vista, Maybe
Bob Kerrey will either run for re-election or split the Senate for the New School. It takes a brave man to leave Teddy and the gang for a cozy brownstone and 22 days of vacation.
- January 17, 2000
- The Roadrunners
Why are Liddy Dole, George Pataki, and Bill Richardson sending out 'veep, veep' vibes for a job FDR's No. 2 compared unfavorably to a bucket of warm spit?
- November 8, 1999
- The Wrong Stuff
It isn't Clinton's personal politics that has bollixed up Al Gore's campaign; it's the Clintonian way with ideas -- seek consensus and attenuate any fresh notion to death.
- October 18, 1999
- Austin's Power
George W strode into town last week searching for the Republican center while the party's far right faltered. But can he stay the course so early in the game?
- September 13, 1999
- Slow Burn
Republicans in Congress are again on a Janet Reno witch hunt over Waco, but the real culprit is the insular, arrogant culture of the FBI.
- June 28, 1999
- Don't Be a Stranger
How are you going to keep Hillary down on the farm now that she's seen Elmira? The upstate city that's become a metaphor for the First Lady's foray into state politics.
- May 31, 1999
- Politically Incorrect
Jesse Helms's favorite campaign strategist was the wizard behind Bibi Netanyahu's stunning loss to Ehud Barak (and probably the pandering commuter-tax repeal too).
- April 26, 1999
- Air Pressure
As the NATO bombing raids against Milosevic's forces continue, Americans of a certain age feel torn by memories of aggression in Vietnam -- and reticence in Bosnia.
- March 22, 1999
- Not a Lott-a Shakin'
For all their talk of a big tent, most Republicans still don't get it about race -- as witness the Senate majority leader's disinclination to renounce white supremacists.