- April 29, 2002
- Forum and Function
Austrian Cultural Forum
- March 25, 2002
- Bearish on Mad Ave.
Bear Stearns World Headquarters
- January 21, 2002
- Acing the Deuce
Fox & Fowle
Lebbeus Woods
- January 7, 2002
- Medium: Kool
MOMA Design Store
Issey Miyake
- December 24, 2001
- In Brief
American Folk Art Museum
- December 17, 2001
- Open Admissions
The Vertical Campus
Architect William Pedersen's new campus center for Baruch College.
- November 12, 2001
- Fixing the Whole
While thinking about how to honor the Trade Center dead, we can also think boldly about making all of downtown a newly vibrant place for the living.
- September 10, 2001
- Clipped Wings
TWA Terminal
JFK Airport
Eero Saarinen
Proposed renovation and expansion by William Nicholas Bodouva & Associates.
- August 6, 2001
- Working the Angles
Philip Johnson
Chrysler Trylons building on East 42nd Street.
- July 9, 2001
- Mies's Pieces
Mies in America
at the Whitney
Mies in Berlin
at MoMA