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Features Archive

June 22, 1998
Rudy's Rules of Order

We loved Giuliani for his ferocious pursuit of the lawless. Now that same vengeful passion is directed against the merely powerless, from cabbies to vendors to street artists. Even his supporters wonder what's happened to the mayor. Of course, they're afraid to say so.

June 15, 1998
Is this man ready for Prime Time?

This month, David Westin finally took the helm at ABC News, inheriting a division reeling from colliding egos and sagging ratings. But can a Jimmy Stewartish lawyer with no news experience restore the House that Roone Built?

June 15, 1998
Don’t You Forget About Me

Ally Sheedy interrupts years of subsistence TV parts and anonymous Upper West Side living to deliver, in High Art, the performance she’s been waiting for.

June 1, 1998
Woman, Interrupted

Lynda Hong knew Edmund Ko, her old flame from Cornell, was troubled, drifting off track. Was he capable of murder?

May 18, 1998
Flex Time

“He can cold rock a party,” says Puffy Combs. “He’s the ultimate choice for any event,” says Mariah Carey. He’s who Howard Stern listens to “when I have my sex,” says Stern. Meet Funkmaster Flex, the hottest D.J. in hip-hop.

May 18, 1998
Sean Lennon

Yoko is Mom. John was Dad. There is only one person in the world for whom this situation could seem absolutely normal.

May 18, 1998
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Every week, "Meet the Press," "Face the Nation," and "This Week" square off in a fierce -- and sometimes underhanded -- rumble for guests, ratings, and headlines. At stake: millions of dollars and bragging rights for some of the biggest egos in network news.

May 11, 1998
Murder, She Read

Can you imagine being vilified for turning in a man who confessed to killing his own 5-year-old daughter? A personal odyssey in cyberspace.

May 11, 1998
Pretty Boy

Cavorting onstage in pumps and a fright wig, John Cameron Mitchell has become one of the city's most wanted leading men.

May 11, 1998
Heeeeeeeeere's Joey!

Two years in Hollywood haven't been kind to Joey Buttafuoco, but with a new haircut and a talk show (okay, on public access), he's putting his reputation through rehab.