Cover Story Archive

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Cover Story Archive

December 14, 2015
Because There Are Punk Shows in Car Washes

Because there are punk shows in car washes.

December 15, 2014
2. Because, Statistically Speaking, Taylor Swift's Enthusiasm for the City Is Not Entirely Misplaced.

New York, by the numbers

September 8, 2014
The Trans-Everything CEO

Futurist, pharma tycoon, satellite entrepreneur, philosopher. Martine Rothblatt, the highest-paid female executive in America, was born male. But that is far from the thing that defines her. Just ask her wife. Then ask the robot version of her wife.

May 19, 2014
Chirlane McCray’s City

Bill de Blasio has called her the love of his life, his partner, his No. 1 adviser. and that’s not the half of it.

April 7, 2014
The Color of His Presidency

Optimists hoped Obama would usher in a new age of racial harmony. Pessimists feared a surge in racial strife. Neither was right. But what happened instead has been even more invidious.

February 3, 2014
Pigeon Pinups

The pictures here are of actual New York pigeons, in all their unlikely splendor.

February 3, 2014
Alien Squirrel

Reintroduced into our ecosystem purely for human pleasure, this bushy-tailed creature soon had plans of its own.

November 25, 2013
The Truly Paranoid Style in American Politics

From the JFK assassination to weather control and the New World Order: 50 years of conspiracy theory.

November 25, 2013
Harry Truman Ordered This Alien Cover-up

The 1947 alleged crash and recovery of an alien spacecraft outside Roswell, New Mexico.

November 25, 2013
Oswald Didn’t Kill Kennedy

Alone, anyway. These people might have helped.