Cover Story Archive

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Cover Story Archive

November 25, 2013
Stephen King Killed John Lennon

When King was run over by a car in 1999, it was all part of the coverup.

November 25, 2013
Don’t Trust Tsunamis

Among the evidence cited by believers is former Defense secretary William S. Cohen’s 1997 warning about the threat of an ecotype of terrorism where enemy nations �alter the climate remotely.�

November 25, 2013
The Record Industry Pushed Gangster Rap As a Favor to Friends in the Prison Industry

�Since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled.�

November 25, 2013
These Things Really Did Happen

�The technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny.�

November 25, 2013
These Towers Control the World’s Weather

Officially tasked with studying the upper atmosphere, this �bionic forest� of antennae in remote Alaska has been fingered as a mind-control network.

November 25, 2013
Gentrification Is a Race War

�Even today, you hear black residents of Washington, D.C. talk about the Plan.�

November 25, 2013
Crack Is a Bioweapon

�Since Reagan and Bush, there’s been nothing but guns and drugs in the black community.�

November 25, 2013
AIDS Is a Bioweapon

As soon as aids came to public attention, skeptics alleged that it was evidence of institutionalized evil.

November 25, 2013
The U.S. Government Is Planning to Seize Your Property ...

Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius, and more poisoning conspiracies.

November 25, 2013
Don’t Trust the CIA When They Tell You �It Was Not A Missile�

Two basic camps of skeptics have formed around the cause of the crash.