Ben Mathis-Lilley - New York Magazine

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Ben Mathis-Lilley

December 20, 2004 | It Happened This Year: A Guide to 2004
The Yankees Got Spooked.

Was the curse reversed? An astrologer reads the Bombers’ charts.

December 6, 2004 | Intelligencer
Intelligencer: Nov. 29, 2004 - Dec. 6, 2004

Yoshio Taniguchi unhappy with the MoMA, Steve Dunleavy abandons Langan's, William Safre's replacement, and more.

December 6, 2004 | The Everything Guide to...
Holiday Parties

How to throw one, behave at one, and survive the aftermath.

November 1, 2004 | Intelligencer
What New Yorkers Can Still Do to Influence the Election

What New Yorkers Can Still Do to Influence the Election

October 25, 2004 | Intelligencer
Puppet Leader

Now you can pull the president’s strings.

October 11, 2004 | Intelligencer
Wartime Record

Kerry was on a Swift Boat, Bush in Texas. Where were Hillary, Rudy, and Al?

September 2, 2004 | Feature
Speech Therapy

Former presidential speechwriters explain the history and proper usage of the many tried-and-true devices you’ll hear in Bush’s speech tonight, along with one that the president’s team hopes you won’t.

September 6, 2004 | Intelligencer
Mesclun Or Marijuana?

FreshDirect vs. FreshDirect

September 6, 2004 | Feature
Show Me The Money

Hookers aren’t the only ones who’ll be seeing action this week.