Table of contents for the February 28, 2005 issue of New York Magazine.

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Table of Contents

February 28, 2005 Issue

Cover Story


From hazardous wiring to leaky sewers to lax security, the subway is perilously vulnerable. If no money emerges to fix the problems, the MTA may soon be hurtling back to the seventies.
Plus: How to save the MTA and lessons from around the globe


Machers in Meltdown

Backed by Edgar Bronfman, the World Jewish Congress was powerful enough to force Swiss bankers into a billion-dollar settlement for WWII-era misdeeds. But a mysterious $1.2 million transfer tainted the group with scandal�and has prompted a furious volley of personal accusations.

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Showbiz Father Scorned

Michael Lohan’s numerous legal and familial problems boiled over just as daughter Lindsay’s movie career took off. Now he’s got one last-ditch scheme to get out of the doghouse.


Intelligencer: February 21-28, 2005

Salman Rushdie to Timesman: Don’t make me get my baseball bat . . . Tom Cruise’s on-set benevolence: A Scientology hospitality tent . . .

411's No Local Call

�Is Madison Square Garden on Madison Avenue?� Outsourced operators cause information-age disconnect.

Canine Public-Art Phobia

When they’re not peeing on the gates, they’re petrified of them.

A Gay Cruising Site Defends Itself

The manager of on the HIV �super-strain,� unsafe sex, crystal meth, and corporate�and personal�responsibility.

Wrap Rap

What should christo and jeanne-claude’s next new york project be?


Best Bets

A handcrafted bike, plus a Wimbledon-green tennis bag and a terry-cloth dress.


Amy Sohn on the fallout from the Times’ paid wedding announcements.

Look Book

A �Chappelle’s Show’ vet


Including Sales & Bargains

Market Research

Surveying leading laundry detergents

5 X 10

Fall’s most influential looks.

In Season

Learn to cook cabbage like the English.


Where to satisfy your mozzarella fetish.


A guide to pre-chain-store Harlem .

Real Estate

Manhattan Valley is the undiscovered gem of the Upper West Side


How to cultivate the shimmering skin of the stars.

The Shape of Things

Master disrupter Marc Jacobs rips up the comfort zone, again.

What's Ambassador Luggage's Best Seller?

Most luggage companies are doing this as a standard, but no one else offers the same convenient color coding.

Another Bistro?

The latest variation on the theme, Bistro du Vent lacks imagination, but has its familiar charms.

A Nice Fit

If it had any interest in jumping on the current menu-concept bandwagon, Chino's could label its multiethnic small plates �Asian tapas.�

Restaurant Openings & Buzz

Week of Feb. 21, 2005: Zozo's Juice and Grille, De Vino, Lassi. Plus, fresh mozzarella bars.

The Windows on the World Guys? At Guastavinos?

Do I detect a fatal tameness, a desire not to offend anyone’s uptight mother-in-law?

Luscious Lobster Rolls

There’s nothing like a properly made lobster roll (bring out the Hellmann’s, please) to chase away the winter blues.

A Woman’s Place

Barbara Lynch, guest chef this week at Tribeca Grill, isn’t the only visiting toque in town. Her sister members in the French society known as Les Nouvelles Mères Cuisinières are taking up temporary residence in New York to mark D’Artagnan’s twentieth anniversary.

Cronick Valentine Opens in the East Village

For those determined to carry their iPod in a case that no one else has, Scott Cronick might have the answer.

The Culture Pages

Funny Peculiar

David Mamet takes on the Middle East peace process . . . with a comedy.

Movie Review

Sigourney Weaver aces a terribly written role.


An interview with Jesse Eisenberg, go-to New York teen actor turned werewolf.

Game Review

Playing Resident Evil 4 is one of the most terrifying experiences in any medium.

Art Review

�The Gates’ is a satisfying extravaganza (no matter what the art world thinks).

Pop Review

New York inspires Keren Ann’s eclectic compositions; Martha Wainwright can’t wait to leave.

Classical Review

Casino Paradise’ can’t overcome a weak libretto.

Book Review

�DisneyWar’ is everything a business exposé should be

Austen Overload

The Jane Austen craze reaches its nadir.

Influences: Lorin Maazel

I just enjoyed the form, and to this day, I bring up one of these old movies on a little home projector, take a bottle�well, a glass�of Scotch, and just enjoy it.

Songwriter: Martha Wainwright

Rufus and I were totally trying to kill each other at all times. We’d also have these competitions to see who could outsing the other person at the top of their lungs and who could stay awake the longest.

Who Bought Jil Weinstock's 'Platinum' and Why?

What’s so interesting for me is to take the idea of Minimalism, where everything is stripped to its basic form, and then build it back up.

The Week

New On DVD

Michael Mann’s 1995 film Heat

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