Table of Contents - May 28, 2012 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

May 28, 2012 Issue

Cover Story

A Life Worth Ending

�What I feel most intensely when I sit by my mother’s bed is a crushing sense of guilt for keeping her alive.� Modern medicine’s obsession with longevity has created a uniquely horrifying new stage of aging, as far from life as it is from death. One son’s dispatch from the no-exit state. By Michael Wolff
On the Cover: The author’s mother, Van Wolff, circa 1942.


Post-Racial Farce

Electing the first black president was supposed to show that Americans had evolved on the issue of race. Bruce Norris’s stunning play Clybourne Park acknowledges that we have�but not in a way that’s likely to make anyone proud. By Frank Rich

Out for Blood

Add a freakishly balmy winter to a sewer system full of standing water and you very well might get the prime conditions for out-of-control mosquito breeding. This summer, consider packing a little extra DEET. By Robert Sullivan

George Romney for President, 1968

When the Michigan governor ran for the Republican nomination, he believed that his deep faith in the institutions of American life would be enough to beat back his party’s radical wing. He was badly mistaken. By Benjamin Wallace-Wells


The States of Jeter's Swing

Obsessive blogger and coach Chris O’Leary breaks down the evolution.

A Hole in the Polls

Dubious horse-race numbers point to real problems for Dems.

Risk and the City

How London bankers learned to gamble.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.

Barefaced Boldfacers

Preempting the paparazzi.

73 Minutes With Miuccia Prada

Talking the politics of style at teatime with the designer, fashion magnate, and new Costume Institute honoree.


Best Bets

Modular planters, a three-in-one bike, and more new stuff in New York stores.

The Look Book

�I think in life you kind of attract what you are, so I have a pretty amazing practice full of awesome people.�

Beach Sweaters

Open-weave knits are a surfer thing, but they’re also very helpful in a spring that can’t make up its mind.

The Restaurant Review

Alex Raij and Eder Montero bring Manhattan-style tapas to Cobble Hill.

In Season

However you classify rhubarb, it’s a much-loved ingredient in the fruit fool.

Please Don’t Be Seated

Mile End Sandwich asks its customers to stand up while chowing down.

Go Ahead, Have Another

A real-time assessment of the local drinking universe.


Aubrey Plaza’s Perfect Game

From bowling-alley waitress to romantic lead in the roll of an eye.

The Secret Life of Rockefeller Center

Ben Stiller, �Walter Mitty,� and a Sunday in New York.

The Movie Review

Wes Anderson returns with Moonrise Kingdom, his most stylized diorama yet.

Broadway Songwriting Is in Critical Condition. Again.

A diagnosis and, just maybe, a treatment.

The Classical Music Review

City Opera may have secured its immediate future. But does it matter?


Regal Return

Potlikker is devoted to decidedly American fare, often with what Liza Queen calls �rural and working-class roots.�


Comments: Week of May 28, 2012

Readers sound off on TV upfronts, Patrice O’Neal, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of May 28, 2012

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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