Table of Contents -- October 22, 2012 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

October 22, 2012 Issue

Cover Story

Nov. 6 (And Beyond)

With three short weeks to go, a look at the election�through the lens of politics past and politics future. No matter who wins, argues Frank Rich, tea-party America is destined for victory; John Heilemann on the inexorable resurrection of the Clintons and Clintonism; a political-family album, by Christopher Anderson; 1960�2012, in ads, money, and gaffes; Jonathan Chait on the hidden plans of Romney and Obama to remake American government�fast; Jeb Bush and the dreams of restored dynasty, by Joe Hagan; and a poll of 74 political insiders who dissect the race as only they can and predict how it will play out come the first Tuesday in November.


The Tea Party Will Win in the End

This is a nation that loathes government and always has. Liberals should not be deluded: The Goldwater revolution will ultimately triumph, regardless of what happens in November. By Frank Rich

Bill & Hillary Forever

If Obama wins, it may be because the former president saved his presidency�but what exactly do the Clintons get in return? By John Heilemann

November 7th

Though their agendas are hidden, both Romney and Obama have plans to dramatically remake the size and character of American government. Very, very quickly. By Jonathan Chait

Bush in the Wilderness

W.’s little brother wrestles with a complicated legacy�and positions himself for the next chance. By Joe Hagan


Ben Affleck's Blockbuster Beards

To succeed, an Affleck project must be accompanied or preceded by Affleck facial hair.

Baseball Without Strikes

How Bud Selig has kept his league out of the great sports labor wars.

Pumpkin is the New Bacon

Taste the ubiquity!

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.

This Text Will Self-Destruct

Snapchat sweeps campus.

126 Minutes With Kick Kennedy

Barroom pool, Mexican beer, and Taylor Swift talk with the Kennedy-family scion turned self-styled Lower East Side ingénue.


Best Bets

A standing knife, Halloween lollipops, and more new stuff in stores.

The Look Book

�I did a three-month meditation course in India, and in the next room were John Lennon and George Harrison. When they left, they said, �We wrote this song for you.�

The Restaurant Review

Ootoya offers a down-to-earth alternative to expensive sushi and elaborate omakase feasts.

In Season

Rainbow Chard can be used to great effect in rich gratins, as co-chefs Ginevra Iverson and Eric Korsh do in dueling sides at Calliope in the East Village.

Wild Things

Urban mushroom hunters hit pay dirt at South Street Seaport.


The preferred heel height of grannies and practical people is suddenly, incredibly, chic.

The Everything Guide to Urban Home Schooling

Why more and more city parents are teaching their kids themselves.


The Rituals of Jessica Chastain

Time traveling on Broadway for The Heiress.

The Movie Review

The Sessions avoids all the usual sex-comedy-with-polio clichés.

Beware the Undulating Curve of Shifting Expectations!

Lena Dunham’s funny self-help manual just sold last week to Random House and probably won’t hit stores for at least a year�but it’s already all over the Curve.

Silicon Island

Cornell's new East River campus aims to foster human creativity. But it looks a little robotic.

Darren's Ark

Darren Aronofsky builds Noah's Ark on Long Island.


Shaken and Stirred

Tooker Alley brings a historical martini menu to Prospect Heights.


Comments: Week of October 22, 2012

Readers sound off on Marissa Mayer, Hudson Yards, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of October 22, 2012

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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