Table of Contents -- October 29, 2012 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

October 29, 2012 Issue

Cover Story

The Randian and the Bailout

Bob Benmosche was a happily retired Wall Street king, presiding over a palatial villa on the Adriatic Coast. But when the government needed a CEO to right the bailed-out insurance giant AIG, Benmosche jumped back in the game. His goals: prove capitalism still works and let the Feds know once and for all who has the biggest � By Jessica Pressler
On the Cover: Robert Benmosche. Photograph by Nigel Parry for New York Magazine.


Life on Mars

Tom Wolfe made his name as a writer by dissecting the status pretensions of hippies, astronauts, and the New York elite for sport. And even now, 81 years old, with a joyride of a new novel and a twelve-room apartment overlooking Central Park, he’s still fascinated by the down-and-dirty pecking order. By Boris Kachka


For years, Patsy Grimaldi’s fragrant, blister-edged pies defined coal-fired New York pizza. Now he’s coming out of retirement to show a new generation of pizza-makers how it’s done�and to take back his legacy. By Jane Black


The Lawn Guyland Debate

At last week’s town-hall debate at Hofstra University, Long Island was somewhat improbably cast in the role of �Real America.�

Charity on Steroids

Lance Armstrong walks into a moral philosophy class �

Are Those Tea-Party Jeans You're Wearing?

Glenn Beck, denim snob.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.

Not Too Cool for a School

How one country used architecture to help boost test scores.

129 Minutes With Greg Smith

Searching for corned beef and talking "muppets" with the Goldman Sachs turncoat.


The Waitress-Mom War

Both campaigns know that in the swing states, women are the swingers.


Best Bets

Carbon Audio wireless speakers, a West Elm stockpot, and more new stuff in New York stores.

The Look Book

�I race bicycles in Prospect Park and Central Park and at an abandoned airfield in South Brooklyn called Floyd Bennett.�

Great Room

A nineteenth-century Fort Greene firehouse gets an update for the ages.

The Underground Gourmet Review

A Momofuku veteran finds fertile culinary ground across the Hudson.

In Season

Cauliflower comes into its own in the fall, when the Greenmarket overflows with orange, purple, and snowy-white varieties.

The Momofuku Diaspora

Thirty Acres' Kevin Pemoulie isn't the only Momo alum to achieve great things after graduating from that prolific talent incubator.

Your Bespoke Getaway

Totally customized, up-to-the-minute recommendations for real escapees (and one discerning schnauzer).


The Early Shift

Jimmy Kimmel comes to Brooklyn, and a competitive new time slot.

Surreality Hunger

Kylie Minogue takes an art-house vacation in Holy Motors.

The Movie Review

Movie critic vs. book critic on the Wachowskis’ adaptation of Cloud Atlas.

The Art Review

You think high technology obliterates the touch of an artist's hand? Wade Guyton disagrees.

The Classical Music Review

Maya Beiser tackles four millenniums’ worth of female mistreatment in the �cello opera� Elsewhere.


A Low and Slow Thanksgiving

Jake Dickson and Robbie Richter create an offbeat alternative to holiday turkey.


Comments: Week of October 29, 2012

Readers sound off on Barack Obama, the Clintons, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of October 29, 2012

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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