Table of Contents -- December 17, 2012 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

December 17, 2012 Issue

Cover Story

Reasons to Love New York 2012

Eight years into enumerating our infatuation with New York City�the place and the state of mind�we’ve got 74 reasons to fall head over heels all over again, among them a bookworm knuckleballer who won twenty games, a Wall Street crook with a literature Ph.D., who became a top boxing trainer, a visionary parks commissioner who greened up the city, a Disneyfied stretch of Times Square that got its scuzzy soul back, and a Sandy-ravaged neighborhood that pulled together to survive the chaos. And don’t forget: the city’s penchant for outdoor sex, one high school’s endless stream of talent, and a mayor and a governor who talk about real issues when the other pols chicken out.
On the Cover: Illustration by Paul Sahre.


Suckers for Superheroes

David Petraeus turned out to be far less righteous than his saintly image. So did Lance Armstrong. And Joe Paterno. And Greg Mortenson. What explains America’s insistence on worshipping false idols? By Frank Rich


Alexander Wang: Willing to Work Late

The guy throws a great party.

Noble Nerds

Team Obama has found a way to reframe its brutish election victory.

Neither Bullets Nor Blades

Yet paramedics were still busy on the NYPD’s historic day.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.

Shop Before the Drop

Splurging, pre�fiscal cliff.

58 Minutes With Matthias Schoenaerts

Hiking the Hollywood Hills, the ascendant Belgian actor draws looks and enjoys the view.


Best Bets

Grey Area’s �Ornamental� exhibit, the Park Avenue Garage Sale, and more new stuff in stores.

The Look Book

�I’m from East Harlem. One of my role models growing up was boxer Hector Camacho, who passed away a few weeks ago.�


Wild techniques and textures worthy of the world's top knitting circles.

Underground Gourmet Review

Finally, a hot-pot season in Flushing.

In Season

Peak season for Brussels sprouts begins in fall and runs through winter.

Restaurant Opening

Danji chef Hooni Kim opens Hanjan, an updated version of a Korean joomak.

Restaurant Opening

The Kin Shop team opens Italian-inspired joint the Marrow.

Restaurant Opening

Chef Saul Bolton opens Red Gravy in Brooklyn Heights.

A Pot Still in Every Garage

Suddenly, New York is churning out more booze than Boardwalk Empire.


Zero Hour

Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow's hunt for Osama bin Laden.

The Movie Review

Les Misérables is going to be a monster hit and award winner, and not entirely unjustly.

The Movie Review

Zero Dark Thirty and The Hobbit compete for your three hours.

The Soft Sadist

Michael Haneke goes cruelty-free with Amour.

The Art Review

Rooting through MoMA’s century of deep storage for her �Artist’s Choice� show, Trisha Donnelly reveals herself.

The Architecture Review

As Park Avenue is rezoned, the subtle greatness of Grand Central may get trampled.


Cold Off the Presses

Sara Jenkins's slightly spicy 2012 olio nuovo arrives at Porsena Extra Bar.


Comments: Week of December 17, 2012

Readers sound off on Chris Hughes, the Year in Culture, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of December 17, 2012

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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