Table of Contents -- April 29, 2013 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

April 29, 2013 Issue

Cover Story

The 21st Century Converges on Boston

James Gleick on the limited wisdom of the crowd-source; Justin Davidson on consensual lockdowns; Lisa Miller on angry young men; Jonathan Chait on profiling terrorists; and Robert Kolker on the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School.
On the Cover: Suspects: Video still courtesy of the FBI. SWAT team: Photograph by Jessica Rinaldi/Reuters. Cambridge Rindge and Latin School: Photograph by John Phelan.


Them and Them

For years in Ramapo, New York, communities of Hasidim and recent immigrants coexisted peacefully, until a newly elected, Hasid-heavy school board began gutting the education system�which almost none of the Orthodox Jewish children attend. By Benjamin Wallace-Wells

At Home With the First Couple of American Fiction, One of Whom Doesn’t Feel at Home (the Other Isn’t American)

Despite holding a much-lauded mirror to post-9/11 New York and being married to one of the most influential (and infamous) book critics in the country, novelist Claire Messud still feels like an outsider in the literary firmament. By Boris Kachka

This Is Punk?

Does a high-fashion salute at the Met spell the death of a movement that’s been declared dead a million times since its inception? Or is it just its next logical incarnation? By Nitsuh Abebe
Plus: Legs McNeil and Jon Savage look back at the era they helped create; socialites attempt to find their inner Nancy Spungen; and 100 modern self-identified punks on what punk means to them.


�Total Noise,� Only Louder


Sirens and Silence

Is consensual lockdown a good thing?

The Roar of Young Male Rage

An excellent, useless predictor.

Profiles in Profiling

From the appalling New York Post to the rest of us.


Rindge and Latin, in a daze.


Best Bets

Citi Bike share, seven sales, and more new stuff in stores.

The Look Book

�I think if I lived in New York, I wouldn’t have a problem: Everyone here speaks with an accent.�

Going Once, Going Twice ... Sold!

From Pac-Man machines to mid-century furnishings, a plebeian’s playbook to getting exactly what you want at auction.

The Restaurant Review

A tapas joint and a brasserie reimagine traditional Spanish cuisine.

In Season

Try some fresh morels in this risotto recipe from Café Cluny chef Phillip Kirschen-Clark.

Fresh Directions

Three new services strive to connect farms to forks by technology, tricycle, and sailboat.


A Priest, a Rabbi, and Mark Wahlberg Walk Into a Hotel

An afternoon with the Pain & Gain star.

Forget Your Umbrella

But bring your sweetie to MoMA's Rain Room.

Un Peu Américain

The French director François Ozon makes movies that Hollywood can understand. Up to a point.

�The Case of Me�

Salman Rushdie, reluctant Thatcherite, turns screenwriter for Midnight’s Children.

The Theater Review

The Nance’s vaudeville shtick and inner sadness make perfect use of Nathan Lane.

The Movie Review

A tree-dwelling Matthew McConaughey steals the show in Mud.

The Movie Review

Everything in Oblivion feels 100 percent inauthentic.

The Architecture Review

The city’s Housing Authority wants to cash in on the empty space around its towers. It’s an iffy move�until you consider the other options.

To Do: April 24-May 1, 2013

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of April 29, 2013

Readers sound off on Andrew Cuomo, anti-masturbation, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of April 29, 2013

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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