Table of Contents -- May 13, 2013 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

May 13, 2013 Issue

Cover Story

The Age of Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons is the closest thing to a household art-world name since Warhol, and he’s about to be fêted with shows all over New York. But in the art world itself, he can’t get any respect. By Carl Swanson
On the Cover: Jeff Koons. Photograph by Martin Schoeller for New York Magazine.



The rise of an ever-diversifying voting population has the Republicans scrambling to revise their party’s racial politics�present and past. By Frank Rich

Al Gore’s Golden Years

The man who was almost leader of the free world feels Obama has failed the planet on the issue that matters to Gore most: climate change. By Steve Fishman

Obama Might Actually Be the Environmental President

But has 44 really failed? Or could he succeed beyond anyone’s imagination? By Jonathan Chait


The Emir’s University

The students of NYU Abu Dhabi might be the world’s most pampered undergraduates.

Welcome, Harry!

Our dossier on the royal rebel.

55 Minutes With Greta Gerwig & Mickey Sumner

Salad and girl talk with Noah Baumbach’s leading ladies.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.


Best Bets

Brooklyn Grange’s Flower CSA, Best Made Co. opens, and more new stuff in stores.

The Look Book

�When I pick up the boy I take care of from school, and I have my nose ring in, I sense the other nannies looking at me all snooty.�

New Societies

Avant-garde arts clubs, hard-partying secret collectives, and other conclaves that might just have you as a member.

The Underground Gourmet Review

Pasta and pizza that stand out from the crowd.

In Season

Chrysanthemum greens are best raw in salads, like this one from Yunnan Kitchen chef Travis Post.

The Sichuan Belt

With some of the city’s best regional Chinese food clustered in the Thirties, midtown has become one seriously hot neighborhood.


The Meh Gatsby

Why book critic Kathryn Schulz despises the novel.

The Movie Review

The colossal vitality of Baz Luhrmann’s illusion and why Edelstein sort of liked The Great Gatsby.

Nick Carraway in Therapy

Tobey Maguire on playing Gatsby's institutionalized narrator.

How Food (the Restaurant) Helped Create Soho

And why it’s the talk of the 2013 Frieze Art Fair.

Comedy’s Class of 2014

The 50 comedians you should and will know next year.

The Pop Review

The problem with Amanda Palmer’s tip jar.

The Architecture Review

Towers, stadiums, shopping centers: This is not what Flushing Meadows needs.

The TV Review

The Office’s late recovery.

To Do: May 8�15, 2013

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of May 13, 2013

Readers sound off on the spring 2013 design Issue, electronic cigarettes, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of May 13, 2013

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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