Table of Contents -- March 24, 2014 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

March 24, 2014 Issue

Cover Story

100 Years of Pop Music

Our fourth annual �Yesteryear Issue� traces a century of New York music, from Irving Berlin to Birdland, Bob Dylan to the Notorious B.I.G.
Plus: 26 musicians who have shaped the sound of the five boroughs, a New York playlist, and venues we have loved and lost.
On the Cover: on the covers: Lou Reed, photographed by Mick Rock; Madonna, photographed by Michael McDonnell (Hulton Archive/Getty Images); Bob Dylan, photographed by Don Hunstein (Courtesy of Sony Music Archive); the Notorious B.I.G., photographed by Clarence Davis (NY Daily News Archive/Getty Images); Billie Holiday, photographed by Bob Willoughby (Redferns/Getty Images); Jay-Z, photographed by Edwin �Phade� Sacasa; Frank Sinatra, photographed by Ike Vern (Everett Collection); Barbra Streisand, photographed by Philippe Halsman (Magnum Photos).

Download the iPad edition to watch videos from 10 decades of classic concerts, see all eight iconic covers, and more exclusive content from this week's issue.


The GOP’s Walter Mitty

What happens when a Republican proposes a smart, honest tax plan? Dave Camp found out.

Alone on the 2 Train

An 11-year-old’s five days roaming New York City.

Album: March Memories

Catching up with players from 1964’s NCAA basketball championship game.

109 Minutes With Thomas Campbell

Talking billions and bubble-gum cards with Met maestro (and newfound modernist) Tapestry Tom.

The Failure Fetish

In Silicon Valley, messing up is the hottest thing around.

The Cut

Hot Shot

High society through Vanessa Beecroft’s fun-house mirror.

Cartoon Clutches

In New York, Milan, and Paris.

Clutches on the Runway

What's to come.

Shiny New Prize

The 12 designers contending for an LVMH mentorship.

The Most Expensive Dress of the Season

The Marc Jacobs fabric almost too precious to produce.


Best Bets

The goal: Weed through the increasingly high-tech umbrellas out there and find one that stands apart.

The Look Book

�When we first got here, it was a lot of strollers outside�now you’re seeing some more plaid, more young people.�

The Restaurant Review

Chinatown’s Fung Tu is an experiment-in-progress.

The Dish

Narcissa's citrus fruit salad.

The Menu for Spring

From grass-fed-beef gyros to pastrami-spiced octopus, the season’s most anticipated eats.

Little Ones

Pets for the dog-and-cat-averse.


�Racism Bad. Eat Kale.�

Watching Team Upworthy polish its golden content nuggets is enough to make you a cynic. Or lose your cynicism. Or both. Or neither. Oh, just read this article already, okay?

Influences: Mike Judge

The movies, TV shows, musicians, and cartoonists that inspired him during his own incubation stage.

Rabbit Is Real

And a canny opportunist. How John Updike turned everything in his life to his advantage in fiction.

The Theater Review

Aladdin is a triumph of Disney Theatrical’s business model.

The TV Review

Geek heroes navigate the start-up scene on Silicon Valley.

The Art Review

This renovation plan will ruin MoMA, and the only people who can stop it aren’t trying.

To Do: March 26�April 9, 2014

25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of March 24, 2014

Readers sound off on Elisabeth Moss, San Francisco, and more.

The Vulture Crossword Contest

Figure out the hidden theme to win a New York subscription.

Competition: Easter Sunday Matinees

Enter in the comments section, or on Twitter with the hashtag we've provided.

The Approval Matrix: Week of March 24, 2014

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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