Table of Contents -- June 2, 2014 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

June 2, 2014 Issue

Cover Story

The Sisterhood of Shailene Woodley and Brie Larson

Two friends taking Hollywood by storm, in more ways than one. By Lynn Hirschberg
On the Cover: Styling by SaraJane Hoare; Makeup for Larson by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; Hair for Larson by Teddy Charles; Makeup for Woodley by Roxy at the Magnet Agency using�Rejuva Minerals; Hair for Woodley by Keith Carpenter at The Wall Group; Sweaters by the Row.

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Iraq Everlasting

As America shifts its foreign policy, our last war continues to haunt our politics�and will for a long time to come. By Frank Rich

The Taming of the Trading Monster

After his company’s wings were clipped by a federal indictment, Steve Cohen has a new life�and all his old cash. By Steve Fishman

A Type House Divided

Together Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones made the fonts that the likes of Obama used to express themselves. Now they’re fighting over whether they were ever partners at all. By Jason Fagone


Bank Run

Is Silicon Valley the future of finance?

110 Minutes With Jenny Slate

Talking earnestness, abortion, and Marcel the Shell with the indie-comedy darling.

Life in Pictures: Marc Maron

Inside the garage where the comedian and star of Maron records the �WTF� podcast.

Sam’s Army

Suddenly, soccer is a major sport in America. Just wait until the national team gets good.

The Cut

Be Bossy

Sophia Amoruso, 30-year-old CEO of Nasty Gal, has some words of advice for women her age�and a fight she’d like to pick with Sheryl Sandberg, too.


Best Bets

The goal: Find the ideal flashlight, for both summer blackouts and camping in the Poconos.

The Look Book

�I’m a marijuana lawyer by day, but I also have an artistic streak.�

Garage Living

Two architects transformed this industrial Clinton Hill space into a light-filled two-story house.

The Restaurant Review

Jesse Schenker’s The Gander treads beyond its limits.

The Dish

Gato’s scrambled eggs, almond romesco, bûcheron cheese, tomato-confit toast.

Restaurant Opening

Saraghina pizzeria’s Edoardo Mantelli opens a bakery next door.

Restaurant Opening

Authentic Indian restaurant Awadh opens on the Upper West Side.

Restaurant Opening

Hay Rosie Craft Ice Cream Co. opens in Carroll Gardens.

Chinatown’s New Immigrants

With an impending boutique hotel and infusion of hipster grub, easternmost Canal Street feels more and more like Brooklyn every day.

Thirty Knives

The slicers, the dicers, and the whole-goat carvers.


In Defense of Schlock Music

Why Journey, Abba, and Lionel Richie are better than you think.

150 Greatest Schlock Songs

From Judy Garland to Eminem.

The Five: Tom Cruise

Hollywood’s most durable action hero returns this month in Edge of Tomorrow.

Hyperreality TV

Reports have Google set to buy video-game livestreaming site What would they be getting for that $1 billion?

The TV Review

Orange Is the New Black shares its spotlight in a way most dramas don’t.

The Movie Review

A cancer-stricken Shailene Woodley anchors the YA weeper The Fault in Our Stars.

The Movie Review

Tom Cruise relishes playing a clumsy fraidy-cat in Edge of Tomorrow.

The Art Review

Kara Walker bursts into three dimensions, and flattens Jerry Saltz.

To Do: June 4�19, 2014

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of June 2, 2014

Readers sound off on Chirlane McCray, laundry apps, and more.

The Vulture Crossword Contest

Figure out the hidden theme to win a New York subscription.

Competition: Add a Letter, Spoil a Snack

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The Approval Matrix: Week of June 2, 2014

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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