Table of Contents - January 12, 2015 issue of New York Magazine.

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Table of Contents

January 12, 2015 Issue

Cover Story

Barack Obama: The (Trifle Early) Historical Verdict

What will historians of the future make of the 44th president? Fifty-three historians of the present weigh in. With overviews by Jonathan Chait (bullish) and Christopher Caldwell (bearish). By Jonathan Chait, Christopher Caldwell, and 53 historians.
On the Cover: Digital Program Office, courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution.

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How to Succeed in Television

The rise and rise and rise of ABC’s Ben Sherwood. By Andrew Goldman

The Kings of Flatbush

A Brooklyn movie palace back from ruins. By Christopher Bonanos

Brown vs. ...

How ex�news anchor Campbell Brown became the most controversial woman in school reform. By Vanessa Grigoriadis


The Rope-a-Dope Mayor

Is Bill de Blasio’s perceived weakness actually a strategic advantage?

93 Minutes With Desiree Akhavan

Who is trying to move beyond the �bisexual Persian Lena Dunham� tag�while appearing on, yes, Girls.

Breakfast Rave

Dancing from dawn at Morning Gloryville.

‘All My Trash Fits in a Mason Jar’

A catalogue of one very ascetic woman’s discards.

Four-on-Five NBA Basketball

Pro sports are about to get disrupted by try-absolutely-anything management.

The Cut

Skin Tight

10 New York trainers whose bodies are their résumés.


Best Bets

Cubicle yoga, Bluetooth ear warmers, and more new fitness gear in New York stores.

The Look Book

A writer with post-concussive syndrome and a beloved Maltese.

The Everything Guide to Posture

The buzzing gadget and power poses that’ll help you find your inner Frank Underwood.

The Restaurant Review

Shuko’s omakase surprises and delights.

The Dish

Bowery Meat Company’s super-succulent rib-eye cap.

Restaurant Opening

Santina brings coastal Italian to the Meatpacking District.

Restaurant Opening

Café Clover, downtown’s latest spot for eating well.

The Way to Whey

A push to market yogurt-making’s watery remains.


Larry Wilmore’s 25-Year Plan

Colbert’s replacement has a different political agenda.

Personal Favorites

A secret trove of eerie, erotic Polaroids of movie stars.

Bamboo-Ceiling TV

Eddie Huang on trying to stop his sitcom from turning into Panda Express.

The Toughest Scene I Wrote

By the screenwriters of 2014’s most acclaimed movies.

The Movie Review

The aching Still Alice.

The Movie Review

The Humbling and Match are anchored by titanically hammy performances.

The TV Review

Babylon is seriously pleasurable.

The Opera Review

The un-Merry Widow.

To Do: January 14�January 28, 2015

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of January 12, 2015

Readers sound off on Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYPD, office culture, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of January 12, 2015

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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