Table of Contents - July 27, 2015 issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

July 27, 2015 Issue

Cover Story

35 Bill Cosby Accusers Tell Their Stories

The �sorrowful sisterhood� of those who’ve come forward to speak out against Bill Cosby. By Noreen Malone. A Portfolio by Amanda Demme
On the Cover: Photographs by Amanda Demme for New York Magazine.

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Et Tu, Tribe?

Laurence Tribe, Obama’s former mentor, has embraced Big Coal and become the White House’s greatest adversary on climate change. His old friends are not happy. By Andrew Rice

Hunting Rebecca Francis

What is it about a pretty woman with a gun? Ricky Gervais’s giraffe-killing survivalist scapegoat has a thing or two to teach us about the wild. By Kerry Howley

Crypto-Nazi vs. G**damn Queer

Will intellectual combat ever top William F. Buckley Jr. vs. Gore Vidal? A new documentary suggests not. By Jim Holt


City Politic

Will the Uber fight haunt de Blasio in 2017?

100-Person Poll: Work-Life Balance

We need to work more, says Jeb Bush. New Yorkers, um, don’t exactly agree.

119 Minutes With Henry Blodget

The former bubble-boy analyst is selling another tech boomlet (digital news) as the head of Business Insider.

Standstill: The Summer Escape Route

The Long Island Expressway when the city tries to head to the beach.

The Cut

Signatures: My One Thing

Fourteen men on the details that define their style.


Best Bets

Shops for hyperniche books; a cornucopia of ice-pop molds.

The Look Book

The NYU student who can’t condone leaving early.

The Strategist Reader: Spending Time Alone

How to find serenity among 8.4 million.

The Urbanist’s Copenhagen

From elderflower pilsner to floating indie-pop concerts.

The Underground Gourmet Review

A Colombian expat sets up shop in Bushwick.

The Dish

Kakigori arrives Stateside.


The Deep Hidden Meaning of Nile Rodgers

The pop super-producer plots the return of Chic.

Influences: Lin-Manuel Miranda

Making Hamilton.


Thank comics for �canon.�

Books: What Pet Should I Stet?

Editing Seuss, posthumously.

The Movie Review

David Foster Wallace comes to life in The End of the Tour.

The Movie Review

See Mission Impossible—Rogue Nation for Rebecca Ferguson.

The Movie Review

Listen to Me Marlon is the worthiest epitaph imaginable.

The Book Review

Scout’s revenge in Go Set a Watchman.

The Art Review

Wael Shawky’s epic puppets.

To Do: July 29�August 12, 2015

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of July 27, 2015

Readers sound of on Ta-Nehisi Coates, ejaculation, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of July 27, 2015

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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