Table of Contents - September 7, 2015 issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

September 7, 2015 Issue

Cover Story

The Sunniest Climate-Change Story You’ve Ever Read

The unlikely forces that have conspired to make optimism about our planet seem not insane. By Jonathan Chait
On the Cover: Photograph by Roger Ressmeyer/Corbis. Colorizing by Gluekit.

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In Conversation: Nancy Meyers

The director talks sexism in Hollywood, Mel Gibson’s charm, and a brand-new kind of film heroine � the lazy kind. By Amy Larocca

‘That’s When I Knew I Was Free.’

Eight exonerated prisoners on their first (thrilling, terrifying) week out. By Jada Yuan

Sheldon Adelson Is Ready to Buy the Presidency

The GOP candidate upon whom he’ll bestow millions must be fervently pro-Israel. Which rules out no one. By Jason Zengerle


The Bipartisan Pontiff

Pope Francis’s wily political strategy.

Reigns: Two Queens, 127 Years

And many, many pets. Elizabeth II is about to have ruled longer than Victoria.

The Rise of Litefeet

A dance made famous on subway poles.

145 Minutes With Mary Karr

The writer and new Upper East Sider waits for Time Warner.

The Cut

Fashion: Future Perfect

Fashion’s predictions � beyond next season’s hemlines � rarely come true.


Best Bets

Four triangular (but singular) lamps; a Burberry-scarf bar comes to Soho.

The Look Book

A pro-throuple store planner.

The Everything Guide to 3-D Printing Your Life

Where to get mini-me portraits and just-for-you headphones.

Great Room

A floating sculpture frames a minimalist family home.

The Restaurant Review

Babu Ji brings Indian cooking to the East Village.

The Dish

Mulino a Vino’s Pasta + Pomodoro².

The Underground Gourmet Quick Bite

Gui Lin Mi Fen brings a seldom-seen rice-noodle soup to Queens’ Chinatown.

Urban Forager

A new kind of milk chocolate. And beer for locavores.

Trendlet: New Flames

Wood-fired food: hot right now.


The Age of Empire

Lee Daniels’s rap Dynasty is the smartest business proposition on TV.

Why Big Labels Still Matter

They still have some advantages that their newer counterparts don’t.

A Start-up With Cellos

National Sawdust’s wild ambitions � artistic and financial � to shake up classical music’s business-�as-usual.

When Bling Was King

Very expensive highlights from music-business memoirs.

Buying In and Selling Out: The Record

The music business was a tangled web of partnerships, sales, and sell-offs.

The Movie Review

Sleeping With Other People is a rare non-homogenized rom-com.

The Movie Review

No movie has ever looked like Time Out of Mind.

The Pop Review

Not all of Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz needed to exist.

The Book Review

Gary Indiana’s memoir is nostalgia-free.

To Do: September 9�September 23, 2015

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of September 7, 2015

Readers sound off on Quentin Tarantino, Slender Man, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of September 7, 2015

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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