Table of Contents - October 5, 2015 issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

October 5, 2015 Issue

Cover Story

Times Square: The City’s Id, Now and Always

Times Square’s desnudas started only the latest battle in a century-long struggle over what the crossroads of the world means to New York. By Adam Sternbergh
On the Cover: Photo-illustration by Bobby Doherty. Background photograph from the collection of the Museum of the City of New York.

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The Paradox of the First Black President

No commander-in-chief has talked about race as frankly as this one. And yet: Did Barack Obama do enough for African-Americans? By Jennifer Senior

The Unprecedented Garth Risk Hallberg

His new book, City on Fire, received one of the biggest contracts ever for a debut novel. But Hallberg has even bigger things on his mind. By Boris Kachka

Reddit Redux

Can the founder of the famously freewheeling message board pull Reddit back from the brink? By Benjamin Wallace


The National Interest

The Planned Parenthood videos brought down an unintended target: John Boehner.

Caught: The Ultimate Power Nap

Sandy Gallin, David Geffen, Calvin Klein, and Barry Diller sleeping together in Mustique.

75 Minutes With James Earl Jones and Cicely Tyson

As they rehearse The Gin Game.


Adventures in the science of the superorganism.

The Cut

Bright Coats for Cold Days

New York women in anything-but-black.


Best Bets

Two mattress start-ups; four abstract side tables.

The Look Book

A former agent and psychiatry administrator.

The Underground Gourmet Review

The Tuscan Gun takes a low-key approach to celebrity chefdom.

Eggs in Translation

Adam Platt’s favorite breakfasts.

Restaurant Opening

Mother-daughter bistro Le Garage opens in Bushwick.

Restaurant Opening

Burger truck Hard Times Sundaes is moving on up and rolling out breakfast.

The Dish

Brooks Headley’s vegan cold pizza salad.

Global Design: Pieds-à-Terre

Exceptional crash pads the world over.


It Takes 38 People to Make a Selena Gomez Album

Who they all are, and what they do.

Steven Soderbergh in Constant Motion

The director can make a whole season of The Knick almost as fast as you can watch it.

In Bed With Elton John

A new book documents the rock superstar’s October 1975 career-peak concerts.

Taking Cues From Keira Knightley

Judith Light introduces the actress to Broadway.

Drake’s Swaggering Approach to the Remix

Savvy, self-interested.

Driving in Cars With Jay Leno

The comedian gets behind the wheel � instead of a desk � for his return to TV.

The Ryan Murphy Character Index

Scream Queens, his latest effort, is both new and not.

The Photograph Our Art Critic Can’t Stop Thinking About

Markus Brunetti’s “Facades.”

Supergirl’s New Getup

How an Oscar-winning costume designer tweaked the iconic costume for CBS’s new reboot.

Translating France’s Most Dangerous Author

Lorin Stein, editor of The Paris Review, on tackling Michel Houellebecq’s Submission.

Andrew Garfield Has Hit the Celebrity Wall

The frustrated 99 Homes star goes off on celebrity, society, and self-doubt.

The Movie Review

Experimenter is uncannily beautiful.

The Movie Review

The stirring Bridge of Spies.

Theater Review

Cast albums aren’t quite a thing of the past.

The Book Review

City on Fire is trying to have it too many ways.

To Do: October 7�October 21, 2015

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of October 5, 2015

Readers sound off on Donald Trump, trans marriages, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of October 5, 2015

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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