Table of Contents - January 11, 2016 issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

January 11, 2016 Issue

Cover Story


The moment when: George Clooney did Sid and Nancy; Don Rickles discovered heckling; made the gangsters stop and watch; George Saunders transformed a dream and a bottle of Boone’s Farm into a short story; Dan Barber tasted his first soft-scramble; Errol Morris learned to listen; Dita Von Teese realized she wasn’t Pamela Anderson; Jon Favreau’s all-nighter paid off; and other creative epiphanies.
On the Cover: George Clooney in the mid 1980s. Photograph by Frank Carroll/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank/Getty Images.

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Sesame Street Is Gentrifying

What will the children's show look like on HBO?

Life in Pictures: We’re Pregnant!

Pregnant wives (yes, both of them) go through pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood in tandem.

34 Minutes With Loretta Lynch

The Attorney General isn’t giving in to fear.

A Drug Deal Gone Bad

Valeant Pharmaceuticals’ novel business approach made it a Wall Street darling � then a pariah.

The Cut

Power Poses

Cats and dogs wear Prada in Warrior 3 and rock Saint Laurent in Locust.


Best Bets: January 11, 2016

Fitness edition, with high-heel self-defense, handsomer gym bags, and more new stuff in New York stores.

The Look Book

The female boxer whose New Year’s resolution involves silk pajamas.

Living Above a Business

When the downstairs neighbors are chickens or strippers.

The Restaurant Review

Pastries at Sadelle’s are terrific, but the rest of the food is a mixed bag.

The Dish

Beef tenderloin stir-fry at Williamsburg’s Llama Inn.

Eat This Fish Now

Ten species you can gorge on with a clean conscience.


Talking With Michael B. Jordan and Ryan Coogler

Who just reclaimed the Rocky franchise for millennials.

The Most Supporting Actress

The steady rise of Swedish starlet Alicia Vikander.

Finding Raffi

Arguably the most famous children's singer in the world.

The Politics of Michael Bay Films

They're supposedly apolitical.

After American Idol

Nine former contestants on life after the show.

The Pop Music Review

Bizarro David Bowie returns on Blackstar.

The TV Review

The new X-Files has plenty of mythology.

The Movie Review

Son of Saul is a harrowing first-person look at the Holocaust.

To Do: January 13�January 27, 2016

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of January 11, 2016

Readers sound off on Mayor Bill de Blasio, the strippers at Scores, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of January 11, 2016

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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