Table of Contents - June 27, 2016 issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

June 27, 2016 Issue

Cover Story

I, Snowbot

Edward Snowden is an exile like no other, able to slip the bonds of his banishment on wheels. By Andrew Rice
On the Cover: Edward Snowden. Photograph by Platon for New York Magazine.

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Stoya Said Stop

After accusing her ex James Deen of rape, she decided that the only way to change porn was to keep making it. By Lizzy Goodman

Good News at the Washington Post

Can Jeff Bezos be journalism’s white knight? By Gabriel Sherman


The Body Politic

A flailing Trump does not assuage liberal panic in the slightest.

Pulse Regulars on Life After the Shooting

"We need to heal right now."

69 Minutes With Daniel Radcliffe

Who’s happily gone from boy wizard to farting corpse.


Brexit’s unlikely victor, Boris Johnson.

The Urbanist: Royals

What exactly can a modern prince and princess do? Open a boutique, throw anti-royalists in jail, and more.

Reread: June 17 and 24, 1974

As Watergate crested, New York imagined what it looked like.

The Cut

Uncommon Models

From Kanye’s muse to a male plus-size model, the most interesting new faces in fashion.


Best Bets

A ’70s-Western-inspired store, portable grills, and more new stuff in New York stores.

The Look Book

The HR director who grew up in Greece.


Unusual New York City views, including the Wonder Wheel, the base of the Manhattan Bridge, a cemetery, and a faux Paris.

Nix Pushes the Vegetable-Forward Envelope

While Café Altro Paradiso plays it safe.

The Dish

Butter-steamed oysters from Zadie’s Oyster Room.

12 Session Beers That Are Perfect for Summer Guzzling

What to drink when you want to drink more than one.


Anna Kendrick Is in 6 Movies This Year

And she’s not totally sure why.


The methods, meaning, and occasional madness of the creatively super-productive.

Alex Gibney’s Empire

Can you reinvent a genre through sheer work ethic?

The Movie Review

Todd Solondz’s Wiener-Dog is four pitch-dark comedies co-starring one canine.

The Movie Review

Steven Spielberg’s fantasy The BFG is a labor of love.

The TV Review

HBO’s The Night Of unfolds like a fat crime novel.

The Album Review

Red Hot Chili Peppers’ The Getaway is their best in years.

To Do: June 29�July 13, 2016

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of June 27, 2016

Readers sound off on Louis C.K., what a massive cyberattack might look like, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of June 27, 2016

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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